Woman’s Beauty. Uncensored



Couple of years ago I have came across photos which stirred my sense of beauty, provoked and dazzled at the same time. They were true, audacious and confusingly gorgeous – an unsurpassed project of an American photographer Jade Beall entitled “A beautiful Body”. How often in media we see images of dazzling, elegant, perfectly groomed mothers with neat pink cheeked babies in impeccable clothing and compare ourselves with them! How often we feel ashamed of our own bodies – of our sagging breasts, loose bellies and stretch marks. Yes! We are not perfect! But we are beautiful! We are women who went through tremendous change, through pain and happiness in order to give life. Jade managed to show the body of woman, transformed by motherhood, in its authentic form – without Photoshop and retouch – in all its beautiful imperfection and awakening candidness.

It all started from Jade herself when she posted photos of her post-birth body to show the world what she was going through after her son Sequoia came into this world. Then it has been a similar photo of a friend of hers, which went viral in the Internet. Fifty women models have voluntarily agreed to take part in the shooting in order to share their story with other women, to help them tear the veils and break the boundaries and finally see their own divine beauty.


I simply love the way Jade described the way her project empowers women to rediscover their true beauty!

“When a woman believes she is authentically beautiful, she frees herself from the overwhelming prison of self-doubt and feeling unworthy and instantly becomes a role model of self-love for our young girls and boys.”

“May we feel beautiful just as we would feel smart, strong or talented so that we can model a life free from believing we are unworthy of feeling beautiful for the next generations of beautiful bodies.” – Jade Beall

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