Till the last breath

I believe that life is a series of instances, occasions, encounters that shape our personalities and form our path. And some encounters leave such profound mark in the soul, that it can change the...


Random acts of kindness

November 13th, World Kindness Day, is a good day to count our blessings and be grateful for all the things we have. Life gets ahead of us at times and we don’t stop to...


Married with children

Don’t sacrifice your youth! Don’t give up on your personal life for the sake of kids! Don’t say No to your happiness because you have children! Don’t put on altar your interests, dreams and...


An ode to my husband

Once upon a time there was a boy, who was very shy, modest and peaceful. He was quiet, thoughtful and friendly. By the twist of destiny he lived in one of the most dangerous...


Замуж с детьми!

Не надо отдавать детям свою молодость! Не надо жертвовать своей личной жизнью ради блага детей! Не надо говорить “нет” своему счастью из-за детей! Не надо приносить на алтарь свои интересы, мечты и стремления ради...